They begin to make friends, spend happy hours with children and adults other than their relatives. This is not the only thing that happens. Until the age of 6, the child will live one of the most complex phases of human development, in the intellectual, emotional, social and motor aspects, which will be all the richer the more qualified, the conditions offered by the environment and by the adults that surround it. A school needs to be more than a pleasant place to play. It must be a stimulating, educational, safe, affective space with teachers prepared to accompany the child in this intense and daily process of discoveries and growth. It needs to provide a solid foundation that will influence any future development of that child. Every early childhood education school needs to be sure of what it wants to develop in the child. Thus, to form a healthy child and develop their ability to learn how to learn, their ability to think and establish the foundations for the formation of an ethical person, capable of living in a democratic environment, Planeta Mágico Alfa CEM proposes activities that evelop a number of skills, attitudes, values, and proper knowledge appropriate to each age group. Reading and Writing, Logical Reasoning, Music, Movement Education, Knowledge of Nature and Society, and English – In all activities, the student is absolutely not passive, but a participating student, active in the process of knowledge construction.
Elementary School definitely marks the student’s entry into the models of traditional schooling where the child will have contact with the knowledge produced by humanity and conventionally distributed in the four major areas of knowledge: Codes and Languages, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and uman Sciences.
Combining the benefits of traditional teaching(classroom experience, content arranged in handouts, and assessments) with learning methodologies (based on projects, cooperative work, and providing creative problem solving) we ensure the expansion of the academic and cultural repertoires, as well as the esire and pleasure of learning more and more.
Students in this segment are part of the Digital Generation, the result of a hyperconnected society, with efficient devices to promote interactivity and quick ccess to information. Students expect from the school the same variation of stimuli, speed and attention to their singularities. With virtual environments for cademic activities and the daily use of computers and smartphones, Colégio Alfa CEM recognizes that the classroom is no longer just the space formed by he physical walls and the minutes of duration of the face-to-face meeting. Our school brings together the online and offline worlds; our education is hybrid.
The Elementary School 2 curriculum offers an education supported by Active Learning Methodologies, use and production of new technologies, through which students will work in teams, challenged by projects and problem-solving situations, in addition to taking the lead in construction of knowledge.
High School is the symbol of our educational project. This stage corresponds to the ultimatum of intellectual autonomy, the apex of critical thinking, the consolidation of socio-emotional skills, and the ethical-moral framework necessary for future stages: Continuity of studies in Higher Education, insertion in the labour market, and exercise of full citizenship.
A very well-structured traditional curriculum, combined with a brand new curriculum of elective studies, academic and socio-emotional tutoring ensure students the personalization of their training itineraries and classic preparation for entrance exams, educational competitions, international exams and, above all, the ENEM.
Contact Center:
Arena, Barra, Barra Riviera, Jacarepaguá, Recreio and Tijuca Units.
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